Grand Lyon

Grand Lyon is a regional authority gathering 59 municipalities and 1,3 million inhabitants, with a wide range of competences including urbanism, housing, the protection of children and social action. Its mission is to define, outline and implement the Habitat strategy throughout the 59 municipalities under its jurisdiction. This policy aims to provide all households with appropriate and diversified solutions that meet their needs: homeownership (which should be available to all and with prices kept under control); mid-range and social housing; specific accommodation for disabled people and the elderly; housing for students and youth; Roma populations…

Grand Lyon works along the whole housing chain, in the private as well as social housing stock. It supports and promotes the production and renovation of the housing offer, improving the quality of existing stock, access to housing and housing stability. Since 2018, the Municipality has been engaged with the Housing First philosophy and has been rolling out new housing solutions to reduce homelessness.