Est Metropole Habitat (EMH) is a social housing organisation established in 1919 and linked to the City of Lyon (France), with 16.000 dwellings. EMH is member of a group that gathers five companies who work in the housing sector, the GIE la Ville Autrement. This group brings together three social landlords and two NGOs, developing both temporary and long-term housing solutions.
For the past 5 years, EMH has been involved in scaling up a Housing First strategy, with three main areas of intervention in order to provide housing to homeless people:
• Mobilising existing rental stock and turning it into Housing First dwellings (about 50 housing solutions/year);
• Developing specific responses such as shared housing or mobile and modular solutions (about 50 housing solutions/year);
• Optimising and managing temporary urban planning for unconditional accommodation (about 20 housing solutions/classic year. In 2021, a special operation was carried out which delivered 140 dwellings).