Organizations from Netherlands

Housing First Nederland

Housing First Netherlands is a national federation and knowledge platform of Housing First organisations and advocates for Housing First practices, professionals, and Housing First in general. It is planning to expain to other stakeholders in the coming years, making the knowledge platform accessible to all indispensable partners in the roll-out of Housing First and creating […]



In Amsterdam, HVO-Querido-Discus Housing First has taken this approach a step further to create an innovative, adaptive programme that puts clients in complete control of the process, allowing them to make fundamental decisions, including the home’s location and the type of support they receive. Clients also choose their caseworker to create a unique – but […]



LIMOR provides housing, support, and a range of services to homeless people and people at risk of becoming homeless across the Netherlands. We are the driving force behind the national Housing First Netherlands platform, together with a few other organisations. At LIMOR, we are convinced that ending homelessness starts with providing housing (and support), and […]

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