Sant Joan de Déu

The Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios (OHSJD), with 500 years of history, is dedicated to the people who need a personalised support in the area of health, well-being and social exclusion. OHSJD is currently working worldwide by putting in place projects and strategic programs ( In the area of social exclusion, our key purpose is to provide an upstanding professional support and a comprehensive social service to the homeless community .

Since 2015, the OHSJD – and the entities that are part of it – has been addressing the homeless care and support methodology by appling Housing First standards and philosophy, which has proven to be the most successful method to address this issue. At present, Sant Joan de Déu Serveis Socials – Barcelona, Sant Joan de Déu València, Jesus Abandonado Foundation, and Sant Joan de Déu Terres de Lleida – attend more than 76 people in projects that follow the principles of Housing First. Each one of the entities manage their own programs, as well as programs granted by public authorities such as the City Council of Barcelona. Apart from the great results we have achieved, the Housing First methodology also helps us in our advocacy activities to fostering the right to decent housing for all.