Housing First Europe Final Report


This  final report of the Housing First Europe (HFE) project will provide an overview of HFE, explain the Housing First approach
and current debates about it, and present the projects which have participated in HFE as well as some other Housing First projects implemented in Europe which were not partners in the HFE network. The report will also present the methodology of the project and the results of the evaluations of five HFE test sites in greater detail. Moreover, the report contains conclusions and recommendations.

The report draws heavily on the results of five evaluations carried out in the cities of Amsterdam, Budapest, Copenhagen, Glasgow and Lisbon.

Author: Volker Busch-Geertsema (GISS Bremen, Germany)
Based on local evaluation reports by
Dorieke Wewerinke, Sara al Shamma, and Judith Wolf (Amsterdam)
Boróka Fehér and Anna Balogi (Budapest)
Lars Benjaminsen (Copenhagen)
Sarah Johnsen with Suzanne Fitzpatrick (Glasgow)
José Ornelas (Lisbon)